The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Stones River Market: Time to Order Local Food - A New Farmer Joins This Week
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Welcome to the last week of October. Halloween is this Saturday and Daylight Savings ends next weekend as well. We welcome a new farmer to the Market. Farrar Farm LLC joins us from Flatcreek, TN. They bring grass fed beef to the Market. Read their bio on the Growers page to learn more about them.
Some notes for the week:
Ferris Family Farm returns to the Market with some greens from her farm.
Frontier Family Farm has a fall gem – Brussels sprouts – on the Market this week.
Flying S Farms introduces pumpkin yogurt biscuits and pumpkin pecan raisin cookies.
This is the last week of honey from Rocky Glade Farm. They have also added Asian greens and half bushels of sweet potatoes.
Fuji apples from Rainbow Hill Farm makes their appearance on the Market.
There are plenty of other products available this week. Browse the categories to see what your will find.
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Thanks so much for your support of Stones River Market, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Southern Stained Glass at 310 West Main Street from 5:00 to 6: 30 pm!
Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
I thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
See the complete list of products at
CLG: Opening Bell: Kale, Beets, Squash, Broccoli!
Good afternoon,
This nice rain should mean a welcome boost to so many of the vegetable plants still producing. Look around the site and try some new foods this week. Beets, pickled okra, arugula, turnips…
Come early on Friday for the best selection from the EXTRAS table. And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Please check your email about 5 minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you for being a valuable part of CLG!
Have a great week!
ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION. When you are done shopping, just hit the “proceed to checkout” button in your cart. You will then see the option to “Pay Now” with credit card near the bottom. Just follow the prompts to add your card. Be sure to read the screen until you see “Thank you for your order” on the top. If you need help, please call 339-7958. A 3% online payment convenience fee will be added when your card is charged.
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Time to Order Local Farm Products!
Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Good morning, everyone!
Manchester Locally Grown online farmers’ market will be open for ordering until Tuesday evening at 10 pm. See the section of this message entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”
As October winds down, this week should offer one more good opportunity to work outside, planting perennials for next spring’s bloom between rainshowers. Don’t forget Dogwood Valley Greenhouse‘s “Fall Special” on perennial and herb plants and ferns: Buy 3, get one of equal or lesser value at no charge. Please make a note on your order form of which plant you would like for free (name 3 choices).
Summer and fall vegetable production is still in full swing, and several of our farmers have a good selection on the market. White City Produce and Greenhouses has added eggplant, turnips, and Cayenne peppers this week. These other great vegetables are still available on our market from local growers: zucchini, tomatoes, summer squash, spinach, red potatoes, peppers, okra, lettuce, cabbage, and cucumbers.
But our farmers’ market is not only about vegetables. Please take note of some of the seasonal items available this week: Live Water Kefir Grains and Square Bale Grass Hay from Triple B Farms; Ground Beef from Paccman Ranch; Scuppernong and Muscadine ciders, jelly, and fruits from White City Produce & Greenhouses.
We also have lots of our regular year-round items: perennial, herb, and fern plants, as well as a good selection of houseplants; local milk, eggs, and honey; pork and chicken cuts; dried herbs and fresh, as well as lots of homemade herbal products too.
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(L to R) Turnips and Eggplants from White City Produce & Greenhouses, Mixed Lettuce from Frontier Family Farm, Creamline Milk from Casey Family Farm, Japanese Tassel Fern from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse.
Important Ordering and Pickup Information
Ordering will be open until Tuesday at 10 p.m., and your order will be available for pickup on Thursday between 4:00 and 5:30 (note later pickup hours) at Square Books, 113 East Main Street, Manchester. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator till Friday, if it’s more convenient for you to pick it up between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. If you prefer to utilize this free service, please make a note on your order or call my cell at (931) 273-9708.
Thanks so much for your support of Manchester Locally Grown Market, and your friends and neighbors who have grown and produced these items. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We have more variety than many large Saturday markets, and our items will be in your hands on Thursday! Instead of fighting the crowds and getting up early to search for what you want at the Saturday market, check out the wonderful products our local growers have for you, from the comfort of your own computer.
We have some new farmers considering joining our market, if they can expect large sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends, calling their attention to the later pickup hours, which may be more convenient for them. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week.
Siloam Springs, AR: Winter Market is Officially Open!
The outdoor market closed for the season October 24th. What a GREAT last day! Fall weather showed up and the rain stayed away. Lots of customers came to celebrate Customer Appreciation Day and Tom Leadabrand and Leah Bailey won te drawing and each received a beautiful basket filled with market products.
Our online Winter Market returns with familiar and new vendors. Vang’s Fresh Market joins us with produce and watch for Pure Joy Ice Cream to join us online.
Orders can be placed Sunday morning through Wednesdays at 9 p.m., and will be available for pick up Saturday mornings between 9-11 a.m. at the Main Street Conference room (103 E Alpine, ste2) payment is made at time of pick up and we accept cash or SNAP benefits.
Looking forward to being able to continue to provide fresh, locally grown oods to our community!
United States Virgin Islands: This Week in Vi Locally Grown
Hey Everyone!
We have so many new items this week including hakurei turnips and pink lady radish. Supplies are limited so place an order :). See you Wed!
Your VI Locally Grown Growers
ALFN Local Food Club: The Market Is Open
What a wonderfully rainy weekend we are having. After you make your order in the market, go out and play in the mud!
1. White River Creamery in Elkins, AR has an opportunity to expand its cheese making capabilities. Honeysuckle Lane Diary recently closed. WRC has been given the opportunity to purchase their diary equipment and expand their operations. As the only farmstead cheese-making operation, WRC will be able to increase production per batch by over 10 times their current levels. This is a huge opportunity. Local restaurants are backing the kickstarter, and WRC is asking other local fans to help out. Please check out their kickstarter page for more information. I dare say the ALFN membership could knock a huge chunk out of their projected goal. Let the gouda, chevre, feta, and fromage flow down from Elkins to Little Rock!
2. We have a new grower in our list this week! Great Day Natural Produce. Nancy Dockter has been a grower for ALFN in the past, and we are excited to have her back. Check out her grower page and offerings…they will go fast!
3. If you get a chance check out the Good Good Org Guide of 2015. According to the website, the guide “highlights nonprofit organizations that are doing exemplary work in the United States in the areas of food and agriculture, nutrition and health, hunger and obesity, and food justice.” You can filter your results for Arkansas…and yes, ALFN is in there! This may be a helpful resource to see what other organizations are doing in areas of your interest.
4. We still have many openings for Volunteers over the next few months. I invite all of you to give it a try. You can gain membership credit or $5 to your orders. If you are a brand new volunteer, shoot me an email, and I will make sure we help you have a good first-time experience. You can sign up here: Volunteer Spot.
Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager
Bedford County: Weblog Entry
Bedford County Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: 865 Union St. Shelbyville, Tennessee
On Instagram: @bedfordclocallygrown
Call: 931 – 952 – 1224
The Market Is Open!
Good evening everyone!
The market is open for ordering until Tuesday evening at 9.
Be sure to check out all the amazing Spring vegetables we have on the market this week!
Jenny at Seeds of Success shares:
The recipe this week comes from Chef Jenny with JENuine Health to complement the turnips available on the Market.
Turnip Tip:
Turnips can be substituted for potatoes in any of your favorite recipes. Use them in soups, stews, salads, casseroles or mashed. They provide one third the amount of calories as an equal amount of potatoes. They also contain fiber, folic acid, and vitamin C. The leafy greens on the turnips are also edible. Scallop Turnips is one of my favorite ways to prepare them. Thinly slice (or dice) turnips and onions. Sauté in olive oil until lightly browned. Add salt, pepper, and Seeds of Success Dill-icious Seasoning (to taste). Combine all the ingredients in a casserole dish with cheddar cheese. Bake at 375 degrees until the turnips are tender and the cheese is melted. Sprinkle with additional Dill-icious Seasoning before serving. Serve with the greens.
Botanical Harmony Farm have listed several more Goat Milk Soap scents; including the fall favourite: Orange Chai Spice.
They have also listed their Baby Bottom Cream (perfect for rashes, wounds, skin explosions) now in a 2oz Glass jar. Breathe (All-Natural “Vicks Vapor Rub”) also is in a new 2oz glass jar and Whipped Body Butter.
Rocky Glade Farm have some new Asian greens that look absolutely amazing.
Tatsoi and Mizspoonza…. something a bit different to add to healthy salads and cooked meals.
Tom’s Sprouts and Spice has some fresh sprouts and microgreens.
Mary’s Organic Foods has coffee and vanilla extracts for upcoming holiday baking!
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Important Market Information
Customers have from Saturday 5pm until Tuesday at 9pm to place orders. The market will be closed Tuesday evening.
On Thursday’s from 4:45pm – 6:00pm customers can pick up their orders at 865 Union St Shelbyville, TN 37160 (opposite Piggly Wiggly). This is where customers are to pay for their orders in check or cash.
If you have any problems or any questions please do not hesitate to ask (our contact info is above)
Please, share your recipes with us on the website, on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Bedford County Locally Grown products, so we can try it too!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Ashleigh + Tracey
See the full product list here:
Fountain Fresh Dairy LLC: Pickup days
Hello everyone,
We will be having the normal pickup day on Monday, however, there will be no pickup on Thursday (Oct. 29th). Thanks!
Dothan, Alabama: New: Salted Caramel Sauce; 3 Markets til Thanksgiving & Dec. 3rd Christmas Open House
Market At Dothan_Eating Locally, Year Round

Market At Dothan Locally Grown
How to contact us:’
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Market News
3 more Markets: Oct. 30th, Nov. 6th & Nov. 20th, ’til Thanksgiving 2015!
Smith Farms
We are small family farm in the Floida panhandle. We specialize in raising livestock naturally: grass-fed and free of the chemicals that have become a crutch for the industry. We have been doing this for 15 years not only because we think its important to know what goes into your hamburger, but because the taste is noticeably superior. Give our natural products a try and you will not want to go back!
“This week the loofah soaps are $2.00 off, now $5.00. Better stock up with these prices. Also this week with every order of $12 or more you will receive a free 8 ounce bottle of lotion, a retail value of $7.50.”
71 lbs. (1 meat box) assorted cuts, $325.00
LOCAL GRASS FED, GRASS FINISHED BEEF, LOCALLY PROCESSED BY USDA FACILITY…Half Beef Available there is NO Additional Processing Fee…you pay Hanging Weight $4.60 per pound and pick up from Market At Dothan…NO driving to processor wasting your time or gas! STEAKS – Rib Eyes, Filet Mignon, NY Strip, T Bone; Ground Beef Bundles – bulk pricing.
“Locally raised in Abbeville, AL. Grass Fed and Grass Finished. Our cattle are never given hormones, any type of steroids or growth enhancing medications. We do NOT feed them corn, chicken litter or cotton gin waste. Their diet is grass and hay. We give them minerals and salt as needed. We vaccinate them for diseases and parasites under the oversight of a veterinarian. Our meat is inspected and approved during processing by a USDA inspector and carries the USDA seal of certification.”
*STEAKS: Filet, Rib Eye, NY Strip
PEPPERS- Lots of Banana Peppers. Check out Cheesy Banana Pepper recipe below!
Raspberry Chocolate Sauce
Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing
Strawberry Balsamic Sauce
All Natural Sunscreen
Blackberry Peach Preserves
Old Fashioned Peach Preserves
Peach Salsa -Ros recommends this on Fish Tacos!
We raise our animals to the highest standards and it only makes sense for them to be processed in the highest standards also. Our processor is a federally inspected USDA facility that is also Animal Welfare Approved.
NEW . . .
Romaine Lettuce
Curly Kale
Cherry & Roma Tomatoes
Apple pie filling in a jar
Cranberry Sauce
Grape Jelly
Peach Jelly
Pear Jelly
Frozen, old fashioned biscuit
Spring Hill Farm Spring Hill Farm –New product added today! Our Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce will make any dessert even more special! Try it on ice cream, brownies, or apple pie. Also, be sure to look for our new yummy breakfast items – Morning Glory Breakfast Bread, Multi-Grain Hot Cereal Mix, English Muffin Bread, Buttermilk Cinnamon Bread, Pumpkin Spice Granola, and of course our Honey Whole Wheat Bread! All of our granolas make your mornings quick and easy. Choose from Coconut, Peanut Butter, Honey Crunch and new Pumpkin Spice! Also, one of our favorite fall indulgences is our Chai Tea Latte Drink Mix. It is a creamy, sweet, and spicy hot drink and is perfect for this chilly weather. Thank you for shopping local!!!
PLEASE SUPPORT these LOCAL businesses! “It’s not hard to support your local economy. Just shift your spending to local independents. Every bit counts.” #ShopLocal. Order Online @
Now accepting Debit & Credit cards when you PICK UP your order during designated Market hours of 10A-12P on Fridays. Using SQUARE, is a FLEXIBLE payment option that allows you to get receipts via email or text message. EASY & CONVENIENT way to pay!
EASY & CONVENIENT Online Ordering @
Farm to Table Recipes
Cheesy Stuffed Banana Peppers (Gluten Free)
yields about 10 (medium to large) banana peppers
1-8 oz. package cream cheese
1 cup plain greek yogurt (Chobani is my favorite!)
4-6 cloves garlic, minced (We love garlic, so we always go for 6 – you decide!)
1/2 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. salt
1 cup shredded mozzarella (or Italian blend of cheeses)
1/2 cup grated parmesan, more for sprinkling
10 medium to large banana peppers
Preheat the oven to 400ºF and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Put on some gloves (and wear a mask if you have bad coughing fits like me). Rinse the banana peppers to remove dirt, and cut off the stems. Open up the banana pepper length wise by cutting down through the center of the pepper (only on one side – do not cut it in half!). Remove the seeds as best as you can (or else they’ll be SUPER hot). Place on a paper towel to dry slightly while you mix the stuffing.
In a medium bowl, stir the cream cheese and yogurt together until smooth. Add the minced garlic, basil, oregano, salt, and pepper, stirring until well combined. Add the mozzarella and parmesan, stirring until evenly mixed.
Scoop the cheese mixture generously into each of the peppers, stuffing it down into the tip of the pepper, all the way to the top. Place each pepper, open side up, on the prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle the opening with parmesan cheese.
Bake at 400ºF for 25-30 minutes, until the peppers are soft, and the cheese is browned. Allow to cool slightly before serving.