The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Green Fork Farmers Market: Weekly product list
Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,
Blacksheep Ranch is back with lamb this week!
Beyond Organics has green kale available.
Green Fork Farm has cucumbers, red russian kale, and Shiitake mushrooms.
Also available this week:
Eggs—Pastured chicken eggs.
Vegetables—Potatoes, slicing tomatoes, okra, kale, summer squash, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, acorn squash, green beans, tatsoi, arugula, green bell peppers, jalapenos, large jalapenos, poblanos, red Anaheims, green Anaheims, Long Red Cayennes, habaneros, serranos, tabascos, ghost peppers, mixed hot peppers, sweet italian frying peppers, and sweet banana peppers.
Herbs—Cilantro, sage, rosemary, and mixed herb bunches.
Meat—Pastured beef, chicken, lamb, and goat.
Fermented foods—Sauerkraut and jalapenos.
Salsa—Made with locally grown and organic ingredients.
Olives and Olive Oil—organic and directly from the grower in California.
Plants and Flowers—Bee Well Gardens is back this week! They have some lovely plants to choose from.
Bath and Beauty—Handmade, all natural soaps.
Place your order from now until Tuesday at noon for pickup on Wednesday from 4-7 pm at Nightbird Books in Fayetteville.
If you aren’t able to place an order, stop by to shop with us on Wednesday. We will have a variety of items for sale from the table.
See you on Wednesday,
Green Fork Farmers Market
Wednesdays 4-7 pm
Indoors, Year Round
At Nightbird Books
205 W. Dickson St.
Fayetteville, AR
To place your order, click on the link below to enter the website. Sign in as a customer, then click on the icon next to each product you wish to order. Proceed to checkout, review the list to make sure it’s correct, then scroll to the bottom and click on Place This Order. Make sure you receive a confirmation email—if you don’t, your order was not processed. Payment is at the market pickup with cash, check, debit/credit card, EBT, and Senior FMNP coupons. Ask about our doubling program for EBT and SFMNP!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: URGENT!! Please Read!
For the last 2 years or so, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the owners of the property at the Crossfit location have generously allowed us space for the Market. We have had our “hub” located there and all deliveries are made to this location. The locale has also been home to the Crossfit Ozone Market pickup. Unfortunately after this Friday, we will no longer have this space to use for our ‘hub’ or for Market pickup. They urgently need the space and we must vacate.
To continue Market we must find space to use to store a fridge, freezer, tables, a bookshelf and cabinet as well as holding Market pickup on Thursday from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Several of our Farmers make their deliveries on Tuesday and those items must be stored for Thursday Markets.
Can you help or do you know of anyone who has space available in or close to Lawrenceville that would be willing to let us utilize it? Please give me a call as soon as possible if you have any ideas. All three Markets are affected and without finding a viable alternative, the Market will have to close.
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup Location
Crossfit PURE
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit PURE
1342 Auburn Rd.
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Order now since you are just a click way!
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Pickup: Monday, September 12th at 11:30am! Note new time!
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Dawson Local Harvest: Cool-weather Produce
Dawson Local Harvest for October 16th
Cool-Weather Produce
New cooler-weather Produce is available this week from LEILANI’S. Spinach and Collards are both making their first appearance this Fall! Green Beans and Purple Beans are also plentiful right now, and there’s still good quantities of Peppers on The Harvest. Check it out.
In other food areas don’t forget FIVE HENS FARMS still has several varieties of Pork as well as their free-range Eggs, BRADLEY’S has Honey and cooking Pumpkins. And if you like Bagels you really need to try MY DAILY BREAD‘s Everything Bagels. They’re amazing!
REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.
You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.
Have a happy and healthy week!
Alan Vining
Market Manager
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : URGENT, please read!
For the last 2 years or so, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the owners of the property at the Crossfit location have generously allowed us space for the Market. We have had our “hub” located there and all deliveries are made to this location. The locale has also been home to the Crossfit Ozone Market pickup. Unfortunately after this Friday, we will no longer have this space to use for our ‘hub’ or for Market pickup. They urgently need the space and we must vacate.
To continue Market we must find space to use to store a fridge, freezer, tables, a bookshelf and cabinet as well as holding Market pickup on Thursday from 2:30pm to 5:30pm. Several of our Farmers make their deliveries on Tuesday and those items must be stored for Thursday Markets.
Can you help or do you know of anyone who has space available in or close to Lawrenceville that would be willing to let us utilize it? Please give me a call as soon as possible if you have any ideas. All three Markets are affected and without finding a viable alternative, the Market will have to close.
Market Closes at 8:00pm Monday!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Crossfit / Lawrenceville Market Pickup Hours
You may pick up the items you ordered starting at 2:30pm. Market will end at 5:30pm; however, you may pickup later if you have contacted me and you make payment prior to pickup. We now have other payments options available. Please call me on Monday and I will discuss the other options with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337.
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Order now since you are just a click way!
Azure Standard
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
DeForest, WI: Availability for Week of October 11
Please note:
Farm Stand hours are now 4-6pm on Fridays
Once again, the weather forecast looks like the end of the growing season is near, with forecasts of lows of 33 at the end of this coming week.
The crew at Forest Run Farm will again try and get as much out of the fields as possible. The items available to order online are only a part of what should be available on Friday.
This past Friday, the following were available, although most was not listed online:
head lettuce, leaf lettuce, Tokyo bekenna, tatsoi, salad turnips, radishes, root medley bags,green onions, leeks, kale, chard, sweet peppers, hot peppers, lunchbox peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, ground cherries, egg plant, arrugula, mizuna, hot n spicy mix, 3 varieties of potatoes and sweet potatoes along with pumpkins and squash. There is a chance of a few more things to be found this week as we prepare for frost.
So, be sure to get your order in and add to it when you come for pickup on Friday, or if you don’t order, you can still show up and get your fresh produce.
The farm stand will be open at least until Oct 30. For those of you with FRF CSA punch cards, don’t wait too long to use them.
REMEMBER, farm stand hours are now 4- 6 pm on Fridays!!
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Fresh Harvest for October11th
To Contact Us
Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May
taken from Good Food Matters
This recipe originally calls for Lancinato Kale, but any kale or greens will substitute.
2-3 bunches kale or other greens
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
3 cups Half-and-Half
1/2 pound shredded sharp cheddar (can be a combination of yellow and white sharps)
Preheat oven to 350 convection or 375 conventional.
Remove the kale ribs and tear the leaves into pieces. Place into a large bowl. Sprinkle the leaves with salt, black pepper and nutmeg and toss. Heap the seasoned kale into a 9 inch by 13 inch baking dish. Pour the half-and-half over the kale, taking care that it doesn’t spill over the sides. Top with shredded cheddar, tucking some of the shreds underneath some leaves.
Place into the oven, middle rack, and bake for 45 minutes (convection) or an hour (conventional)
Let cool for 5 minutes and serve.
Makes 8 servings
Market News
What beautiful weather we are having! Hope you all are able to get outside and enjoy it!
This week Tally will be on vacation. This means you all have to be extra nice to John at Wednesday pick up, as he will be gallantly holding down the fort. Also, there will be a few items not available this week, such as flower bouquets, The Bloomy Rind cheese offerings, and Little Seed Farm soaps. All will be back to normal next week!
There are so many lovely veggies this week! Lots of good greens, winter squashes and potatoes. Also, pie pumpkins! Did you hear there may be a shortage of canned pumpkin this holiday season due to crop failure in the midwest? Now is your chance to stock up for your winter baking/soup needs!
And speaking of the holidays, we are planning on offering Wedge Oak Farm pasture-raised turkeys again this year! Delivery that week will be on Tuesday, November 24th, instead of Wednesday. The turkeys will be frozen, and you will be able to pick them up on Wednesday , November 18th or Tuesday, November 24th.
We appreciate your support, and will see you on Wednesday!
John and Tallahassee
Coming Events
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
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The Wednesday Market: Time to Order
Good afternoon.
Here is your weekly reminder that it is time to place your order at The Wednesday Market. Please do so by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Visit our website to see this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Concord Street Sweets is away from the Market this week.
We hope you all have a happy Sunday, and we’ll see you Wednesday.
Russellville Community Market: RCM Opening Bell

Welcome to another RCM Market Week!
Be sure to check out the newly listed items this week! Lots of great, local products to be had!
Happy shopping! Eat Local!
Check out the “Featured Items” section as well as the “What’s New” section at the top of the market page for all the latest products available.
Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for updates and food-related events in your community!
To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. Remember, you have until 10:00pm Tuesday evening to place your orders.
Happy Shopping! See you on Thursday!
Gwinnett Locally Grown: Market closes tomorrow at noon!!
The market closes tomorrow at noon! Place your orders now!
Don’t forget to follow us on facebook and on instagram @gwinnettlocallygrown for discount codes and promotions!
Upcoming Workshops
These are the upcoming workshops hosted at Rancho Alegre Farm:
Essential Oils for Happy, Healthy Kids
Tuesday, October 13th @ 10am
Come and learn how essential oils are a great way to help keep you little ones healthy naturally!
Soap Making Workshop
Wed, October 14, 6pm – 10pm
led by Mary Bois-Byrne from East Walton Ladies Homesteading Group
Cooking with Essential Oils!
Tuesday, October 20th @ 7pm
Come have fun learning how easy it is to add essential oils to everyday cooking!
OHB Wine Making Workshop Pt2
Tue, October 20, 6pm – 9pm
Visit for more information and as always, contact me for any questions or for more information!
See you Tuesday,
-Market Manager
Stones River Market: Time to Order Local Food
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Welcome back to another week of locally grown and made products. I have an important note about the Market. As we have grown so has the expenses for the Market. Starting November 1, the market surcharge will increase by 3%. I am always working to improve the Market for customers and farmers and this increase should help with that.
There is a wide variety of produce this week that covers both summer and fall options. Erdmann Farm and Rocky Glade Farm brings several types of radishes to the Market.
Vaughn Brothers bring their eggs back this week.
Flying S Farms introduced a cinnamon roll cake bar to go with her tangy lemon bars.
White City Produce and Greenhouse has added Indian Corn to the Market for your fall decorations.
Several of the vendors have messages as well this week:
From Chef Jenny with JENuine Health:
The Seeds of Success is back on the market this week with their fall flavored snacks and seasonings. Cinna-Spice is a nutty blend of ground sunflower seeds, cinnamon, cocoa, and pure cane sugar. Enjoy it with peanut butter, bananas, quinoa, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, butternut squash, oatmeal, rice pudding, yogurt, or coffee.
From Sean with Nuance Coffee & Tea:
Nuance Coffee & Tea is adding several new teas to their offerings in the next couple of weeks. Look for the word NEW in the description of the tea to see what we have recently added for the Fall and Winter seasons. Don’t forget that we also have Bodum brand, 70th Anniversary Edition, French Press and Assam teapot sets. Just click on the “Coffee and Tea” category and then click on “Brewing Accessories” to order these great new items. They make great holiday gifts! Enjoy!
Mike with Ridiculous Chocolate wants to remind everyone that with the cooler weather beginning to arrive, his hot cocoa is still on sale.
There are plenty of other products available this week. Browse the categories to see what your will find.
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Thanks so much for your support of Stones River Market, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Southern Stained Glass at 310 West Main Street from 5:00 to 6: 30 pm!
Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
I thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
See the complete list of products at