The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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The Cumming Harvest - Closed:  Fresh Wild Caught Sockeye Salmon from Bristol Bay Alaska

Doug just delivered his latest catch of Wild Alaska Sockeye Salmon and Halibut to the market. Everything is listed online and ready to pick up on Saturday.

Place your orders today until 8pm.

Suzanne Geddes

CSA Farmers Market:  Savory Sweet Potato and Leek Soup

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Makes: 3-4 servings
• 1 lb sweet potatoes
• 8 oz leeks
• 2 cups whole milk
• 1 cup chicken stock
• 1 cup water
• 3 tbsp finely minced celery leaves
• 1/4 tsp pepper
• 1/4 tsp allspice
• 1 Tbsp all purpose flour
• 2 Tbsp butter
• Half cup chopped chicken (OPTIONAL)
1. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into approximately 1/2 inch cubes. Cut the green tops and stem ends from the leeks (save the green tops for flavoring stocks), quarter stalks lengthwise, and cut them into 1/2 inch pieces.
2. Heat the milk, stock, and water in a soup pot or large saucepan. Add the sweet potatoes, leeks, celery, pepper, and allspice. Bring just to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes or until sweet potatoes are just tender.
3. Make a rue by mixing melted butter and flour in a small sauce pan (over low heat) until pasty. Ladle in a half cup of the soup (liquid only).Stir until mixture is smooth. Add to the soup and let it cook for a minute until thickened, stirring very well.
4. Remove the pot from the heat, stir in chopped chicken and serve.
Note: If the sweet potato peels are relatively unblemished, you can make them into a garnish for your soup by cutting them into thin strips and frying them in about 1/4 inch of hot oil until lightly browned. Drain on paper towels and toss with a little salt.

Gwinnett Locally Grown:  Come check out the market, it's NOW OPEN!

Happy October! I just want to thank you all for reading this and for visiting the market each week and placing orders. Every time an order comes in I get a little more excited to be a part of this team. I love meeting you all on Tuesdays and providing you with such great items from the market. I have a few plans in the near future to get your feedback on the market and make any improvements you suggest that will keep you coming back. If you have anything in mind already, please send me an e-mail with your feedback. I deeply value your opinions and look forward to hearing them.

Please don’t forget about our fresh raw milk supply (labeled for pet consumption) and tell a friend :)

We also have essential oils on the

What our senses perceive as plant scents are actually aromatic compounds essential to plant function. They serve protective, reproductive and regenerative purposes. There are over 3,000 identified varieties of these compounds. Distilled directly from their plant sources, these oils have endless applications to our health. We provide only the purest oils on our market. doTERRA essential oils can be applied topically, diffused, or taken internally. Our plants are grown in optimal soil, temperature and climate to produce the purest oil. doTERRA also tests rigorously for purity, efficacy and consistency. Certified pure and free of contaminants, doTERRA oils are offered at our market. If you need help choosing the right oil for your lifestyle or ailments, please contact me at the market!

Thank you so much,

Upcoming Workshops

The Market is now open!
Thursday at 9am – Monday at noon After that, ordering is disabled until Thursday morning. Pick up your order Tuesday from 4:00-7:00 p.m. only at Rancho Alegre Farm at 2225 Givens Road, Dacula, GA 30019. New to The Market?
Learn about how it works here.

Wine Making Workshop with Operation Homebrew

Wine Making Workshop with Operation Homebrew
This workshop is 60 minutes, includes a mozzarella cheese sampling once finished. Class size is limited to a maximum of 15 people.

Wine making workshop, Session 2: Tue. Oct. 20, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM for both sessions
Cost: $25

– Session 1 | Sanitizing steps, mixing the ingredients, tips/tricks
– Session 2 | Bottle, Cork, and label your wine, take it home

To purchase tickets visit

As Always….

Please share with friends and family about us so that we can give more people the opportunity to buy and eat healthy! Local farmers need our support to keep providing us with all the fresh foods! If we don’t give them enough business, it’s hard for them to continue to deliver to us. Please let’s not let that happen! Tell your friends about us so we can keep the Growers supported as this is how they make their living.

Thank you to all of you who support Gwinnett Locally Grown!

If there is something you’d like to see in the Market, please let me know! I would love your input!

The Market is extending their hours! The Market will now be open from 4:00 to 7:00pm!
Having said that, if you place an order with us, PLEASE remember to pick it up on Tuesday. As I am so grateful for your orders, I also have a family at home waiting on me too! We cannot hold orders, especially cold items due to limited refrigeration space, so please be courteous and come for your order.

CLICK HERE NOW to Shop Gwinnett Locally Grown!

Thanks for all your support!

Shop often and eat well!

Amanda Berjeski
Market Manager

Fresh Wishes,
Pilar Quintero
Market Host
Rancho Alegre Farm

Please email for questions pertaining to Market or Raw Milk. It is very difficult to return phone calls. Remember to interact with us on Facebook and follow us on Meetup to get notification on all our wonderful events and news.

Champaign, OH:  Harvest Moon

But there’s a full moon risin…’
Let’s go dancin’ in the light…
We know where the music’s playin…’
Let’s go out and feel the night…
(Harvest Moon-Neil Young)

Yes…it’s fall, you can feel a slight change in the air, the breeze, the shadows from the sun, and the leaves that are now drifting down to the ground.

We saw the Super Moon, a Harvest Moon, on Sunday evening. I sat out on my back deck, glass of wine, waiting for the cloudy sky to allow a glimpse of the moon. And finally, it happened. Magical.

Fall also brings about a shift in our produce. We said goodbye to strawberries, long ago, but you know what…we now have apples!!!! And, although we do not have a virtual market apple vendor, we do have Herr Family Farms, who bring in their goodness, when they feel they have enough!!

So…today is Apple Day at market pick up!! Even if you didn’t get to place a market order, feel free to groove to the YMCA lobby at 4:15 for bags of apples!! They will go fast so get there, quickly!!

Fall is ALL about the apple…don’t miss out!!!!

And, on a last note…Harvest. We are now in harvest season, and we want to show all of our local farmers some love. Be kind, especially on the roads. I have seen so many impatient drivers, this past week, behind farmers on the roads. Show some kindness, and remember…our local farmers feed us…

See everyone, tonight, at market pick up!!!

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

Champaign, OH:  Fall Weather, Fall Market Items, Fall Fairy Dust

Swisher hill Herbs is introducing, for a limited time, Mini Fairy Flower rings made with dried everlasting flowers, pine cones & berries.

They fit over mini pumpkins for the Fall season or they fit over most standard candle rings for the holidays and other special occasions.

The rings are $5.00 each, and as an introductory offer, each Fairy Flower Ring will come with a mini pumpkin. Order today!

You can order these, from our market, and we will open the market, again, tomorrow night!

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

Naples,FL:  Market is open

Please place your orders

Cross Timbers Food Cooperative:  CTFC Market Open for October 10 Pick-up

Hey, folks—

Ordering for the first October delivery is OPEN.

Orders can be placed through Sunday, October 4.

Pickup is from 1:30 – 2:30 PM on Saturday, October 10.

for Cross Timbers Food Cooperative

GFM :  Oct. 3rd Market Canceled

Greeneville Farmers Market is Canceled for Saturday Oct. 3rd.

Due to Cattle Sale being under the Livestock Pavilion & the AJ Pavilion already being rented out,and with 100% chance of rain on Saturday, we will not be able to have it outdoors.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

*WE WILL BE BACK on Sat. Oct. 10th, under the livestock Pavilion.

Thanks for your understanding.

The Vendors & Management of the Greeneville Farmers Market

Fountain Fresh Dairy LLC:  October 5th

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that next week there will be no pick-up on Monday the 5th. Thanks!

Palouse Grown Market:  'Tis the season.

…to buy fresh LOCAL FOOD before it’s GONE!

Check out Palouse Grown Market to make an online order of naturally grown foods that will be harvested the day you receive them!

You can also add fresh-cut flowers to your order!

Thank you for supporting local farms, growing you the highest quality products.

Market Manager