The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Joyful Noise Acres Farm:  Market closes at 8:00.

Reminder to get your orders in before 8:00 tonight!

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of Sept 28 2014

As of Sept 28th, we can offer 60+ items including the following crops: chives, lovage, parsley, mint, beet tops, spinach, beet root (new crop), tomatoes (4 varieties), chard, rhubarb, celeriac, eggplant, carrots, collards, peppers (2), cucumbers, squashes (hubbard, butternut, Sibley, buttercup) summer squashes (spaghetti and delicata) and kale. The raspberries are ripe, and showing a bountiful crop.

Camelia is cooking prepared foods from our produce: garlic pesto, cucumber relish, quiches (on order). Dill pickles are next, but you can make your own too!

Meats, Special on Pasture raised, fed and finished, Ground Beef
Beef cuts are now available, a total of about 500 lbs of pastured meats. I will have a special on ground beef in the week of Oct 14th. Place order now for ground beef at $5/lb ($1.50 off regular). There are several geese and roasting chickens in the freezer. There are two lambs left plus individual cuts but I will have about 10 more in a month.

Did I send out the notice that farmer/food activist/author extraordinaire, Joel Salatin is coming to Guelph on Oct 4th, guest of the Practical Farmers of Ontario? See their website for particulars, cost is $65 for day seminar with three sessions.
Here’s some current Salatin thinking on HOME COOKED MEALS. Read the whole thing at

The [Slate magazine] piece concluded more often than not family members (especially the male ones) were ingrates and, generally, home-cooked meals were too stressful, expensive, time-consuming, and utensil-dependent to be worthy of the trouble.

In the circles I (Salatin and me) run in and market to, the home-cooked meal is revered as the ultimate expression of food integrity. The home-cooked meal indicates a reverence for our bodies’ fuel, a respect for biology, and a committed remedial spirit toward all the shenanigans in our industrial, pathogen-laden, nutrient-deficient food-and-farming system.

Here’s the question I would like to ask these families: “Are you spending time or money on anything unnecessary?” Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, lottery tickets, People Magazine, TV, cell phone, soccer games, potato chips . . . ? Show me the household devoid of any of these luxuries, then let’s talk. Otherwise, you’re just unwilling to do what’s more important, which is provide for the health of your family and your environment. That’s a personal choice, and one that’s entirely within your control.

Healthy eating,
Ian and Camelia

Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Coffee!

Hi everyone,
The Market is open!
I’m excited to announce our newest vendor, Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters. “Using only Fair Trade Organic green coffee beans, we create small batch, hand crafted single origin and blends with great attention to detail.” Look for Free Samples this Thursday at pickup.

This week Solace farm has Bulk Garlic, and all natural deodorant. What a winning pair!

Fountain Springs Farm is back. Have you tried their Non-GMO chicken or pork products?? Fox Farm has more lard, ground lamb and lamb chops on the market.

We also still have lots of lettuce, squash, potatoes, and some really cute pumpkins, a pretty good size to make a pie or two.

Order Saturday at Noon through Wednesday at Noon. Pickup Thursday 4:15-6.

Get started here: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Enjoy this beautiful Autumn weather!

Heirloom Living Market Lilburn:  Market News and Reminder to Order

Greetings All:

I hope that you all had a good weekend.

Market closes at 6:00pm today. Please get your orders in before the deadline.

It has been necessary to establish minimums for each Market. If the minimum is not met and you have ordered items, you will receive an email letting you know that your items cannot be delivered.

Perhaps we will make items available on an every-other-week schedule if orders continue to fall below minimum. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!

Marie of Bakery on Brooks has put her items in the “vacation mode” this week. Please keep Marie in your prayers as she is also praying for God’s direction in whether or not to continue with the Market. Baking is a time consuming and laborious task. In addition to the wonderful Gluten Free items Marie bakes for us, she is continually ‘experimenting’ and creating new recipes for us to enjoy Gluten Free items that have the same type of ‘deliciousness’ that we enjoyed in eating Wheat based goodies! From her Cornbread, Cookies, Sweet Breads and Sandwich Breads, she has more than ‘mastered’ the art of truly delicious Gluten Free baking! I am grateful that she has been with the Markets and pray that God, in His infinite wisdom will show her the direction He wishes for her to travel. Please keep her in your prayers!

With the end of Summer, we are now getting into the Fall Veggies; however, just as with every change of season, the crops are slow to come in at the beginning of each season! Although we do have a good selection, the variety may be a little slim for the next few weeks! Keep checking here and on the website for new offerings.

Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!

Please know that we appreciate the support of All Saints Lutheran Church for the use of the great spaces for Market. We are grateful for you and for your support of our dedicated, LOCAL Farmers/Growers and Artisans.

Please “Like” us on Facebook and please share the Market with family and friends!

Market will close at 6:00pm Monday for the Lilburn Market!

Order now since you are just a click way!

Happy shopping!

Take me to the Lilburn Market

BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!

Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill:  There is Still Time to Order..

Market Closes at 6:00pm Today!

Hop on over to the Market and place your order…

Pickup Day

Market Pickup will be on Thursday from 2:30 – 4:30pm.

As of this writing, the total Market orders are less than $500. There must be a minimum of $650 in orders to make it feasible for delivery, set-up and pickup. If this minimum is not reached, you will be notified at Market close (6:00pm Monday) and given the option to cancel your order or pick it up at the Lawrenceville location. If you have any questions, please contact Maryanne at 404-432-4337.

Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!

Marie of Bakery on Brooks has put her items in the “vacation mode” this week. Please keep Marie in your prayers as she is also praying for God’s direction in whether or not to continue with the Market. Baking is a time consuming and laborious task. In addition to the wonderful Gluten Free items Marie bakes for us, she is continually ‘experimenting’ and creating new recipes for us to enjoy Gluten Free items that have the same type of ‘deliciousness’ that we enjoyed in eating Wheat based goodies! From her Cornbread, Cookies, Sweet Breads and Sandwich Breads, she has more than ‘mastered’ the art of truly delicious Gluten Free baking! I am grateful that she has been with the Markets and pray that God, in His infinite wisdom will show her the direction He wishes for her to travel. Please keep her in your prayers!

Take me to the Hamilton Mill Market

Thank you for your support!

See you at Market on Thursday!


Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville :  Market Pickup is Thursday...

Market minimum was met and pickup will be Thursday from 4:30pm until 7:00pm. Thank you for your support! Looking forward to seeing you at Market!


Martin's Farmstand:  Peppers, arugula and watermelon

We are having wonderful growing weather again. I was impressed this morning how much the spinach, lettuce, cilantro etc. grew over the weekend. The plantings that are timed for October will get ready. I was not sure about them for a bit in that cold cloudy weather a few weeks back. The arugula is exceptionally mild and sweet right now- give it a try.
Now is the time to get your sweet and hot peppers for freezing or pickling if you have not done so yet. We have lots of them right now.
I picked 3000 lbs of watermelons on Friday. From now till the pile gets small we are giving a free watermelon to anybody that buys one. (buy 1 get 1 free).
I am looking for a few good deer hunters. If interested contact me or Melvin. Daniel

South Cumberland Food Hub:  Time to Order Local Food!

Good Morning from the South Cumberland Food Hub. We’re open till noon today for orders.
Click here to go directly to the Rootedhere Locally Grown Market Page

Have a great day!


Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

It seems fall may indeed be here! The leaves are starting to change, the weather is thinking about cooling down, and the kids are back in school. Everything should be settling back into a routine by now.
At our farm almost all summer veggies are out of the high tunnel, and the rabbits are eating voraciously at the seedlings in the garden. The garlic has arrived for next years harvest, and we will be planting it in the next few days. Onion seeds are growing and will be in the ground next month- just before the first frost. I am trying to be proactive for next year and getting beds laid, so I don’t have to wait on the ground drying up in the spring.
I wanted to let you know of a decision that was made a few weeks ago by our Meat Farmer. James from Riverbend Farms is a dedicated dad, who gets his kids on the bus in the morning and makes sure that he is there for them when they get home. He attends all of their events and when they are home from school they go with him to the farm. He has come to the realization that during the school year he needs to be closer to home more often now. His kiddos are getting older and are involved in more and more activities. I begged him not to drop our little farmers market and we agreed that coming twice a month would be an option to keep our customers happy and still provide him the time to care for his little ones. So you can look for James and his Grassfed Beef and Pastured Pork on the first and third Friday’s of every month, and if we have a fifth Friday he will be here too.
See everyone on Friday,

Cedar Grove Farm:  CSA Availability for 10/1

Hello everyone,

We still have a handful of summer items available, but the pickin’s are getting slim. Looks like the broccoli will be ready soon, and the kale and chard should be coming on too. New this week is our tasty arugula, picked at just the right size for a great salad. Enjoy the offerings.

Cedar Grove Farm